Fusebox 227: “Pluperfect Pucker””

33:31 –  Minding “The Stark Fist Of Removal”, Fun In The Sun, The Waterfront Blues Festival, Buddy Guy

“Someone Else Is Slippin’ In” From the Album “Slipping In”. July 3rd Is Officially “Buddy Guy Day” in Portland, Oregon, Fusebox Liner ID, “The Appreciator with Bret Berman”, The Jimbo Variations, 21 and 22, The Zappa Nerd Fest, A Rather Ambitious Task To Follow, An Excerpt From the Zappa “Appreciator” Episode, Pluperfect Musings And Other Grammatically Enhanced Musings,  Show Close    

Grammatically correct thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Drea O’Brien for pluperfectl vocal footwork and big thanks to  Bret Berman for waving the Zappa flag. This will be fun. 

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released July 12th , 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 226: “Art House of Pancakes”

32:07 –  PRE ROLL: “Look Into My Eyes” With Iko and Milo And 42nd Street Pete, Plaid Flavor, It’s No Secret At All, The Secret Word Is Lanyard, The Stinkfoot Orchestra, Fusebox Liner ID, Meanwhile, While Standing In Line, Napoleon Murphy Brock And Nick Chargin, Clips From Stinkfoot Orchestra April Performance At The Fox Club, Redwood City, CA, Fusebox Liner ID, The Fusebox Interview:  42nd Street Pete Part 2, NYC Liquidators, The Alternative Cinema Connection, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine, POST ROLL: “ Finger Licking’ Good?”

Non-existential thanks and a side of bacon to our contributors on this edition of the show;  Aimee Binford and Gregory Wilson for vocal flavorings. 

An extra special slathering of gratitude to 42nd Street Pete  for sharing the time space continuum with us.

Yes, and but also, Billy The Mountain size thanks to Nick Chargin and Shota Otaguru, of The Stinkfoot Orchestra for clips and info and carrying the big note. 

Stinkfoot Orchestra Events!

Pete’s You Tube Channel

To Grab A Copy Of  “Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine”

GRM’s Facebook Page

Pete’s Facebook Page

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released June 28th , 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 225: “On A Hard Roll”

Fusebox 225: “On A Hard Roll”

32:32 –  PRE ROLL: Better Off With The Mob, A Special Fusebox Interview With 42nd Street Pete, Fusebox Liner ID, A 42nd Street Backdrop, The Fusebox Interview: 42nd Street Pete Part 1, “I Never Said Anything”, The Fabled “Left-Hand Turn”, The Grindhouse Term, Mike Vraney And Something Weird Video, What’s The Attraction, The 42nd Street Experience, Milt Loves Diane Thorne, Milt’s Favorite Film Under Scrutiny, The Rename Game, The Grindhouse Redux? The Gary Kent Story and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, HE Paints What He Sees, Gary Kent Leaves Us, Milt Is Validated, Show Close.

Empire-sandwich-Size thanks and a side of slaw to our contributors on this edition of the show; Sabra May and extra special genuflections to 42nd Street Pete for joining us on this one and be sure to catch part 2 of this interview on the next show.  

Pete’s You Tube Channel

To Grab A Copy Of  “Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine”

GRM’s Facebook Page

Pete’s Facebook Page

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released June 14th , 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 224: “Interzoned”

32:13 –  “But I Got The Crystal Ball!”, A Muted Echo Of A Memory, Marcie’s A Naked Lunch Fan, Fusebox Liner ID, An AI Mixed Consequence? Careful What You Watch…In Florida,  “Leaked From A Lab In Wuhan”, Spotlight On Film: “Naked Lunch” From Arrow Video, Trailer (1992) Naked Lunch, Exterminate All Rational Thought, David Cronenberg’s Adaptation For The Screen, Great Performances From All Involved, Welcome To Tangier Via Toronto, Yes, And But All, Extras! Milt Get’s A 42nd Street Surprise, Show Close

A Priority Mail delivery of thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Jeff Pollard, Mago Weston, and Gregory Wilson for superior vocal deliveries.

Thanks to the folks at Arrow Video for a brilliant tribute release.  

Join us next time for an interview with the legendary 42nd Street Pete.  

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released May 17th , 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 223: “U.F.Uh Oh!”

25:04 – PRE ROLL: Iko And Milo Set The Controls, You May Already Have Been Probed, Fusebox Liner Id,  Acronym Crackers In My Soup, A Slight Disturbance In The Force, Once More From The Top, Houston, We Have A Problem, Twice More From The Top Again, The DoD Pulls An AARO From Its Quiver, A Drone By Any Other Name, A Do Over?, Show Close. POST ROLL: Inter-Dimensional Apologies.

A Saucer full of thanks to our contributor on this edition of the show; Jodi Lorimer for excellence in ID pronouncifications.

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released May 17th , 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 222: “Parrot Talk”

26:25 – PRE ROLL: Polly Want A Video Chat?, Talk Is Cheep, AI Overload?, Software Extortion, Fusebox Liner ID, WTF Florida : “Paving The Road With Bad Intensions”, Liner: “Jumping The Rails In Your Neighborhood”, Avian Video Chats, Audio From Video Clip, Corky Singing In Approval, Show Close.   

Big flappy thanks to our contributors to this edition of the show; Kenzie Main and Gregory Wilson

Special thanks as well to Rébecca Weinberg, Jen Cunha, Megha Vemuri, and Ilyena Hirskyi-Douglas, for their video  and the really remarkable research.

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released May 3rd, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 221 “House For Sale”

27:02 – PRE ROLL: Chief Justice Warren Berger On The 2nd Amendment, A Spinet Type Foreclosure, A Confederate Statues Retribution?  Governor Ron The Sand Slug’s Cat Fight With The Big Mouse, Fusebox ID Liner, “Hearts And Prayers” Riley Pusford’s Blood n Guts Gunshot and Well Regulated Militia Emporium, A (Tennessee)House On Fire, Uncle Milt’s Fun Facts, Show Close. 

Fireproof thanks to our contributors to this edition of the show; Regina Carol, Scott Campbell, Sam A.Mowry, and Jeff Pollard .

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released April 19th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 220 “World Funnel”

27:40 – PRE ROLL: Bruce Barton Gets Oily, Our Mutant Seaweed, Bruce Barton’s Big Speech In 1928, Congrats To Frank Edward Nora Celebrating 20 Years , Frank’s Book!  Fusebox Liner ID, Tragic Journals: “Show And Tell”, AI Mind Readers, Fusebox ID, “Morning Ramen” Written And Read By Regina Carol, The Invasion Of The Mutant Seaweed, Show Close. 

Globally stable thanks to our contributors to this edition of the show; Regina Carol for deliriously delicious reading of “Morning Ramen”, Gregory Wilson for splendid and evocative ID proclamations. 

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released April 5th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 219 “The How To Of The What For”

26:14 – PRE ROLL: Iko And Milo In The Lab, Banana Powered Radio, James Hood’s’ “Beautifica”, Fusebox Liner ID, The Hotwire Of Science: (1.) Animal Dung Has New Life? (2.) Reflecting The Dark Backwards, (3.) Fungal Computing, The Wood Wide Web? Fungal Computer Eats Cleveland, Show Close.

Scientifically accurate thanks to our contributor to this edition of the show; Evan Moriwaki for immaculate ID Pronouncements. 

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released March 8th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 218 “Eudemonia”

31:01 –  It’s A Funny Word, We Live In Interesting Times, A Fusebox News Update: “The Bourbon Diversion!”  Fusebox Liner ID, The Fusebox Interview: Self Defense Instructor Evan Moriwaki From  Complete Threat Preparedness Show Close.

Self assured thanks to our contributors to this edition of the show; Elizabeth Bok and Evan Moriwaki and the good folks at Complete Threat Preparedness.

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released March 8th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)