Fusebox 232 “(F)Law of the Land”

33:41- PRE ROLL: Robotic (F)Laws, Got Robo? Magnus Robot Fighter, Fusebox Liner,  Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot 3, Fusebox Liner ID, Shout Out To Re-imagined Radio For Their “9-11 Radio Stories” Episode, A Grindhouse Minute With 42nd Street Pete: “Forced Entry”(1973), Tragic Journals: “The Sharp Things”, The FCC “No Hidden Fees” Ruling, Hot Wire Of Science : 1) Death By Robot, 2) “Synthesize This”, Twisted Epiphanies: “Jimmy Buffet Died”, Show Close

Non AI-inspired thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Scott Campbell, Pete Chiarella, Erin Lehn, and Jodi Lorimer.  

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too!

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released September 20th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 230 “Chowder Head”

27:32 – A Little Green In The Gills, A Trip To The Newport Jazz Festival, A Little History Of The Festival, Fusebox Liner, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot, Fusebox Liner ID, A Little Gratitude For The Folks At Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine, Rupert Murdoch’s AI Plan For Greatness, Hotwire of Science: (1)Return Of The Dish Brain”, (2)“The Mystery Lab In California”, We’re As Giddy As That Thing,  A Grindhouse Minute With 42nd Street Pete: “Man From Deep River”, Show Close.

A Tureen of thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Sabra May, Jeff Pollard and the newest member of the Fusebox family, 42nd Street Pete for all the Grindhouse goodness.

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too! Order the magazine (15.00 postage paid) right here.

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released August 23rd, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)