Fusebox 237: “Silent Proscription”

36:01 Is That A Raincoat? A Proscription For A Title, A Slimy Truth, The Zappa “Appreciator” #2 Now Available, Show Break Liner, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot#4, Fusebox ID, Hot Wire Of Science: AI Fails-(1)The Not So BetterBrands, (2) Seeing A Man About A Horse, The Silent Proscription With 42nd Street Pete, A Grindhouse Minute: “Sabata”, Show Close.

Fully audible thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Jodi Lorimer for audacious audio ID pronouncements, Pete Chiarella for all the Grindhouse goodness and his candor.

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too! 

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY Now heard on the Third Thursday of the month at 1:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released November 29th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 236: “GLLMM-Gate”

29:26 – PRE ROLL: The 50 Percent Threat, So, Golem Then, Eh? Learning German Through Music Podcast Guest Experience, Liner Break, Grindhouse Resurrection Spot 3, Fusebox Liner ID, Tragic Journals 05: “The Chewing”, The AI Dilemma, An AI Parable, First Contact, The Fine Art Of Engagement, Why AI Develops So Fast, AI And The Theory Of Mind, AI Stumps It’s Creators…Again, This Is The Year That Authentication – Fails, What Are The Consequences, Some Solutions, A Few Other Solutions, Show Close. 

Non-AI prompted thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Dre O’Brien for effusively wondrous ID pronouncements. Thanks to Asa Raskin and Tristan Harris for clips of their “AI Dilemma” talk. Do check it out friends. 

Thanks as well to “Paisley” for inviting me on the Learning German Through Music podcast. Great fun!

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too! 

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY Now heard on the Third Thursday of the month at 1:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released November 15th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 235: “Torpid Commotion”

30:26 – Just A Little Lie Down, Glowing From His Own Inner Light, The Shrinkage Dilemma, Liner ID, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot 2, Fusebox Liner ID, Hot Wire Of Science: AI K-Pop, The “Banned Bookmobile”, “Placibo” Spot, WTF! Florida: A Solution For Con Men, Show Close.

Highly motivated thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Scott Campbell, Regina Carol, Callem Deering, Nico Lane, Daniel Marshall, and Jeff Pollard.  Thanks to CNN Special Reports for the K-Pop info.

And thanks to Paul Rymer, wherever you are!

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too! 

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY Now heard on the Third Thursday of the month at 1:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released November 1st, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

35:54 – PRE ROLL: Iko, Milo And Marc At The Video Store, Show Open, Wrapped A Little Too Tight, Re-imagined Radio’s Broadcast of “Asezhia”, Liner Break, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot 5: With Iko And Milo, Fusebox Liner ID, In The Spirit Of The Season, Twisted Epiphanies: “Grandmother”, Problem Man: “Coffee Carnage”, Films That Go Bump In The Night:(1)Universal Horrors, (2)”The Projected Man”, (3)”Fiend Without A Face”, (4)”The Flesh Eaters”, (5)”The Diabolical Dr.Z”, A Grindhouse Minute With 42nd Street Pete: “Cut Throats 9” (1972), Show Close.

Non-mummified thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Erin Lehn, Jodi Lorimer, Jeff Pollard ,and Pete Chiarella

You can find the other two Twisted Epiphanies we talked about here; “The Family Face” and “Kitchen Man” 

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too!

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY Now heard on the Third Thursday of the month at 1:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released October 18th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 233 “Cold Comfort”

29:59 – It Was Your Decision,  Cold Comfort?, Regulating AI Under Debate, Liner Break, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot, Fusebox Liner ID, Dry Smoke and Whispers Returns To The Air, Great Moments In Invention History: “Franz Riechelt”, WTF! Florida: (1) Hydro Man, (2) Indecent Stretching, (3) The Prez Told Me To, Show Close.

Warm-hearted thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Scott Campbell, Stuart Krug, and Nico Lane.

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too!

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released October 4th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 232 “(F)Law of the Land”

33:41- PRE ROLL: Robotic (F)Laws, Got Robo? Magnus Robot Fighter, Fusebox Liner,  Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot 3, Fusebox Liner ID, Shout Out To Re-imagined Radio For Their “9-11 Radio Stories” Episode, A Grindhouse Minute With 42nd Street Pete: “Forced Entry”(1973), Tragic Journals: “The Sharp Things”, The FCC “No Hidden Fees” Ruling, Hot Wire Of Science : 1) Death By Robot, 2) “Synthesize This”, Twisted Epiphanies: “Jimmy Buffet Died”, Show Close

Non AI-inspired thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Scott Campbell, Pete Chiarella, Erin Lehn, and Jodi Lorimer.  

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too!

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released September 20th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 231 “Full-Court Press”

28:31 – Completely Out Of Bounds – And Luck, “The Appreciator: Zappa Special II – Freak Out! And Absolutely Free”, Liner Break, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot 2, Fusebox Liner ID, Hotwire Of Science: “AI Fails” – Ottawa’s Visit List, Snapchat “Stories” Fail, A Proposed User Agreement Amendment, Great Moments In Invention History: “Karel Soucek”, WTF! Florida: “Damaged Souls”, “Python Removal Service”, Show Close.

A civil, but packed courtroom of thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Scott Campbell, Nico Lane, Eric Newsome and Gregory Wilson.  Special thanks as well to Bret for the terrific conversation on his “Appreciator” series.

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too! Order the magazine (15.00 postage paid) right here.

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released September 6th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 230 “Chowder Head”

27:32 – A Little Green In The Gills, A Trip To The Newport Jazz Festival, A Little History Of The Festival, Fusebox Liner, Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine Spot, Fusebox Liner ID, A Little Gratitude For The Folks At Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine, Rupert Murdoch’s AI Plan For Greatness, Hotwire of Science: (1)Return Of The Dish Brain”, (2)“The Mystery Lab In California”, We’re As Giddy As That Thing,  A Grindhouse Minute With 42nd Street Pete: “Man From Deep River”, Show Close.

A Tureen of thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Sabra May, Jeff Pollard and the newest member of the Fusebox family, 42nd Street Pete for all the Grindhouse goodness.

Hugely big thanks to Grindhouse Resurrection Magazine for sponsoring the shenanigan’s going on around here.  Check them out on their Facebook Page Too! Order the magazine (15.00 postage paid) right here.

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released August 23rd, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 228: “A.I A.I Oh No!”

31:20 – Am I Real Or Am I Memorex?  Legacy Wet-Ware, Good To Be Here, Make It Look Like An Accident? A Bunch Of Things Are Heating Up, Fusebox Liner ID, AI Sandbox Time, Google Crime Accusation, Fusebox Twiddles In There Too, Eleven Labs.io, A Looming Threat? A Lenny Bruce Experiment, More Trouble Coming’ Every Day, Economic Impacts, Silver Lining? Steam Punk AI, “Deconstructing Dad” Documentary, Adobe Gets Involved, The AI Actor, “The Congress” (2013), The AI Proposal, Twisted Epiphanies: “Curse of Dork-A-Thon” Written And Narrated by Joe Medina, Show Close.

Non-virtual thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Kenzie Main for stellar ID pronouncements. Joe Medina for a wonderfully poignant spoken word piece.  

Yes, and but also, check out the Raymond Scott documentary right here. And “The Congress” is in session here.

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released July 26th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)

Fusebox 229: “Nuckinfutz”

28:40 – Check Your Brain At The Door, It’s A Good Day In Fuseville, Introducing Kyle The Kinkajou, Fusebox Liner ID, Radiophrenia Selects .“Estate Sale” by Jodi Lorimer  and “Message in a Bottle” by Laurence Overmire. Twisted Epiphanies: “Estate Sale”By Jodi Lorimer  But Wait There’s More!, 42nd Street Pete(Pete Chiarella) Joins Fusebox with “A Grindhouse Minute With 42nd Street Pete”, Fusebox Has It’s First Sponsor, “Grindhouse Resurrection” Magazine. Fusebox Liner ID: “Because You Can Only Vote Twice”, WTF Florida: “10 Worst Places To Live And Work In The USA”, Huge Seaweed Mass In Florida Now Has Flesh Eating Bacteria, Twisted Epiphanies: “Message In A Bottle” By Laurence Overmire. Show Close.

Non-virtual thanks to our contributors on this edition of the show; Nico Lane, Jodi Lorimer, Laurence Overmire, and Gregory Wilson

Thanks to the folks at Radiophrenia in Glasgow, Scotland for selecting two “Twisted Epiphanies” for inclusion in their worldwide radio celebration.“Estate Sale” by Jodi Lorimer  and “Message in a Bottle” by Laurence Overmire. Congrats to both of them as well! 

And remember to visit the Fusebox Store for updates, thoughts, comments, fears, regrets, and genuine Fusebox Swag: TheFuseboxShow.com


Follow us on INSTAGRAM

Visit the Fusebox YouTube Channel too!  

Hear us on the radio! 

KXRW / KXRY First Wednesday of the month at 12:30 PT Now Also Heard Sundays at 11:30!

KMWV Sundays at 6:30 PM

Fusebox is produced by Marc Rose, Milt Kanes, Jeff Pollard, and Regina Carol

Music and Post Production by Marc Rose, and Fuse.

Fusebox cover art by POLLARDdesign.

Attribution by Marc Rose. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Released August 9th, 2023 

©2023 Fusebox. All rights reserved (except those granted by the Creative Commons license)